Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Wow! It's been busy!

Ok, you know the kittens I found last week? Well, I got to to know them better and look at them closer and look:

Do you see it??? Look at the eyes! One's greenish and the other one is icey blue! Isn't that sweet?!? Mom-in-law said that from the looks of its markings, it's got siamese in it, as it gets older it'll get more points and markings. That's pretty neat too.

Then, my hummies (aka: hummingbirds) have multiplied and are eating like CRAZY! I have officially counted 6 now, but I think more have come just in the last few days. I had Superhubbie buy another feeder a couple weeks ago and he bought a much bigger one. Well, I filled them both up yesterday after I had filled them BOTH up the day before! It's become a ritual to fill up the smaller one (pictured) every morning, but the bigger one is depleating much faster now too. I can't believe it! I told SH that it's more like a swarm of hummies than a flock (you know...flock = birds, swarm = bees). The way they sound, it's like this HUGE swarm of bees flying around. You wouldn't believe how much they are fighting over those two feeders. Plus mom-in-law got me a snapdragon hanging basket for "mother's day" and (I've actually kept it alive!) they love it too! They sit on my (sp?) bugamvia (another plant, native to Costa Rica) and use it as a perch. So, they've become like my little 'pets' too. So, I've got all kinds of animals running around here. Here's a pic so you can see my cute new friends.

And the boys were out yesterday. Oldest is at camp this week and next week. So, we took the boys home after church Sunday night and kept them until last evening. We've got church again tonight because of the holiday, so we're taking them home again tonight and we're going to see fireworks after church. I think we're going to have them through to Thursday morning. Then we'll have all three on Saturday and Sunday, then Oldest is going 'home' to pack for church camp for next week. We're going to keep the boys all next week because Fostermom is nursing at camp. I got some really cute pics of the boys yesterday blowing bubbles. Here's one for your enjoyment.

1 comment:

NinjaJohn said...

I used to have an incredible female cat, white with a gray spot on it's forehead just like the one pictured. She was the best cat I ever had. Thanks for the pic and bringing back good memories.