Friday, June 29, 2007


Ok, so you couldn't hear that "Good Morning Vietnam!" sound in my voice, but it was there, I promise! The kittens got kicked out on their rears today. They are officially outside cats. Last night when we went to bed, lights had been out for MAYBE 10 minutes and I heard stratching at the door of our master bathroom. I told Superhubbie to stop talking and listen and sure 'nuff...they were scratching at the door. You see, one of our other cats accidentally got locked in our guest bathroom once and scratched the drywall all up and it was really bad. We're still going to have to fix that little goof-up. So, we were quiet for a few minutes and the sound stopped. So, we went to sleep. Sometime in the middle of the night, I wake up to the sound of one of the cute little kittie toys I put in the bathroom for them to play with rolling across the floor making all the noise I thought that it wouldn't make. For some reason, when I put them in there, I thought they'd play with them during the day....WRONG! So, this little plastic ball that has little pegs on the outside and little plastic balls inside was making all kinds of racket in the middle of the night. It quickly stopped and I very quickly fell back to sleep. I vaguely remember hearing it again some time later, but it wasn't so bad that I couldn't sleep through it. But Superhubbie, I think (sleep is so vague many times), got up and grabbed the toy and put it on the carpet in our bedroom to stop the noise. You see, I wasn't coherant enough to get up and do that...sometimes he's not either, but he, things happen sometimes and he doesn't even realize it. I don't sleepwalk, so when I'm asleep...I'm asleep!

So, I got up this morning, introduced them to the rest of the family (animals) and put them out back with their bed and their food. Luna doesn't like them, like I knew would happen. She just sits there staring them down and growling like she did with Punkin. And Punkin (who I haven't posted his story yet, but will today) is trying to befriend them. Patches is her own woman and just pretty much ignores them. Woody stands on the ground as they have taken the top of the doghouse as home and looks up at them and whimpers like he wants to play, but can't get to 'em. The black kitten just puffs up and looks mean. Molly and Lady pretty much ignore them too for now. We'll see what progresses as time passes.

Punkin' is a male orange tiger bobtail (by force). He's not quite a year old yet. Joe found him last fall (early October) at the orchard that he worked at. He was only a few weeks old (maybe 6 wks) and had his tail mangled. Joe thinks one of the apple bins got put down on his tail before he had time to get out from underneath. So, Joe found him inside a Pumpkin bin, in October and he's orange. So, his name was obviously going to have to be Punkin'. We took him home that weekend and the following week took him to Dr. Price to have him looked at. He decided that his tail had to be bobbed off and he'd go head and neuter him while he had him there. So, this was definitely our most expensive cat venture thus far. Luna still doesn't like him...he's been around for almost a year and she's still evil towards him. So, our final (until this last Wednesday) rescue of cats. Here's Punkin':

Punkin's names:

Punkin' (official)

Punk (short)

Punkie (cute)

Punkster (cuter)

So, I got to spend some time with my mommy today! We went to the most wonderful Mexican restaurant ever! Fiesta Mexicana, duh! And we got to talk about all kinds of stuff, like we always do. I just thought it was nice and that I should add this in too, HI MOM! Then I went to the Health Dept. for a physical and to get the stuff to do a water test. Yup, it's all for the foster thing. Woo-hoo! All the hoops are not fun! I'm tired of's only the beginning though.


Jana said...

Hey we are looking for a baby kitten...know of anyone who is giving some away...but we want bbaaabbby ones :-)
Thanks for postin to me!

Missy said...

Well, Joe wants to keep the white one and get rid of the black one. If you want it, it's still baby...maybe 4 months old at the most. It's male (cheaper of the two to get fixed). He's really loveable! He hasn't been named yet. He loves attention. Let me know...

Jana said...

Pat is being a baby and says he is superstitious about black just give me a couple of days to convince him that he wants a black cat! lol I will get back to ya ya Jana
See ya at camp?