Friday, June 22, 2007

Things to do this weekend...

It's such a beautiful day again! What have we done to deserve such wonderful treatment, God? I just got done mowing the backyard a little bit ago, and knowing my Irish skin tone...I'm probably going to be feelin' it tonight and tomorrow! I dunno...we'll see.
So, I'm pretty much going to try (again) to lose this extra baggage (weight, not my husband!) that I've been carrying around for so long. The good news is, I haven't gotten any bigger for a year and a half...I've actually gone down some. But I've pretty much been at a plateau since around Thanksgiving time. You know all that good food...especially what my mother-in-law makes. The problem is...I live only 3 miles away from her and her doggone good cooking. She's been making baked goods for the Farmer's Market and whatever she doesn't sell, we've been getting some of it. That's not helping this body of mine one iota! But man is it good!?!
This weekend is going to be pretty busy around here. Tonight Superhubbie's cousin is getting married in Reynoldsburg. Then tomorrow, Superhubbie and his mom are doing the Farmer's Market until noon. That'll give me a little more time to get things done around on more laundry, straighten up the house a bit, etc. Then, when they're done, they're going to come home and his dad is coming over to help work on the wall again for a while. At 4:00 I'm going to get the "kids" and we'll have them until Sunday night church service. They want to stay longer, but the middle child has summer school until next he's kinda ruins it for them all...for now. That's okay though. We'll have fun! I think we're going over to mom-in-law's for pizza Saturday night because of the wedding tonight. (We usually have pizza on Fridays, but this week is messed up.)
You should see the kids with the doggies! The youngest tries to give Woody hugs and because Woody is so small and it's hard for him to trust people, every time youngest leans down to give him a hug, Woody growls a little. Youngest looks at me and says I'm just trying to hug him! But this last time they came out...we had a breakthrough! I wish I had my camera! They didn't know I was watching and he leaned down and hugged him for a long time and Woody just sat there like he had gained a new friend. It's adorable! Ladybug slept with Oldest and they both loved it and Molly just doesn't know how to calm down with kids around yet. I'm sure she'll learn. Middlechild just keeps trying to play like Molly does but it's after everyone's done playing. It's cute! So, everytime we have to take them back to Fostermom's, (keep in mind that they LOVE Fostermom to death!) they say in the cutest voice, "Nooo....I want to stay here forever!" It breaks our hearts everytime they have to leave. After the first time they came out, Oldest went home and cried her eyes out because she missed us so much. We love 'em all dearly. This is all in code obviously for security reasons, but you can at least get a look into what we're doing. Well, plenty to do, not enough time to do it all in...later!


the lizness said...

it's definitely a smart thing to "code name" Fosterkids and other people. That's why we have ~K~ instead of her whole name. But I obviously have no security concerns for myself :) lol

the lizness said...

PS I love your blog design! That site has some very easy to use ones.

the lizness said...

3rd comment of the minute - good job on figuring out the widgets so far! :)