Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Beautiful day's thoughts...

It's such an absolutely gorgeous day today! It's not too hot like it has been the last few days and it's nice to be able to leave my windows open and let the breeze blow through the house. I love days like this!
I started last week on EC and quickly ran across the lizness and discovered that many of my own "loved ones" are on here doing this bloggy thing. I finally talked myself into creating my own bloggy thing and joining the par-tay. Becky (the muffin) was right! It sure is addictive!

So here I am...I figure I'd probably better explain myself on my choice of bloggy titles. Some of you may remember my mom's choice of "theme" for my surprise 18th birthday party. It was "the Spanish-speaking leprechaun". The reason for that is, well...I speak Spanish AND I was born on St. Patrick's Day (the best thing about the latter is that I am part Irish me-self laddies and lassies!). Therefore I AM the SPANISH SPEAKING LEPRECHAUN!!! *as I do a little jig around my pot o'gold* (I really don't have one y'know...leprechauns never tell their secrets!)

....when Irish eyes are smilin'....


MotherT said...

Welcome to the club, Missy!!! This can be lots of fun!!

the lizness said...


I will help you get started with your blogginess, but the best way is to just get in there and do trial and error and mess up a bunch. Just never delete your whole blog to start over, you'll lose all your posts.

The Muffin said...

Of course I was right! The Muffin knows all!

*evil laugh*