Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Thursday Thirteen #2

Thirteen things the kids did yesterday on our "first day" alone w/Missy (no Joe!):
1)Walked in the door and ran like wild children with the dogs for quite sometime.
2) Ate lunch (ravioli...mmm, yummy!)

3) Got into Joe & Missy's cowboy boots and wanted to take pictures!

4) Played with playdough! Every kid's favorite!

4) Played with the dogs...
5) Watched Nemo (to give Missy some time off!)
6) Loved on dogs while watching Nemo...

7) Played with the dogs...more...
8) Ate milk & choco chip cookies that Missy made fresh for us.

9) Played on the broken down John Deere that is sitting in the back yard because it's cool to play on a tractor! 10) Colored and cut construction paper into BEAUTIFUL things that were unidentifiable once we got done with the scissors! 11) Played know... 12) Crashed for 45 minutes until Joe got home (the dogs did too!!!)

13) Ate supper (grilled cheese & tomato soup)

Then we got ready and went to church.

1 comment:

MotherT said...

And someone wondered why you looked so frazzled when you got to church Weds. night!!! ;)