Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Kids and cats...

This'll probably be a quickie. I've got to go get the kiddos today and I've got to go shopping for lunch & supper today too 'cuz I wasn't planning on cooking for five. Fostermom's got to take one of her kiddos to the dr for her leg. She really didn't want to go with five kids, so I'm picking them up after Middlechild's summer school is over at 11:30 today at the school. It'll be my first day with them without help from the Superhubbie who always knows how to entertain these kiddies! So, pray for me?!? I'm pretty sure I'll be okay, they listen to me pretty well and they love coming out here. So, I don't think it'll be a problem. I just don't have a million things for them to do. They could play in the sprinkler, play with the puppies, hey! I do have some playdough they could play with, I'll see if I've got anything else. I'm sure I'll be fine. Just kinda nervewracking being "mom" by myself (no "dad" involved for the day) for the first time is all. So, I'll quickly introduce you to Patches then I gotta run.

Patches is a calico cat who used to be skin and bones. She is no longer skin and bones, I think she's saving up for a famine or something. I have no clue how old she is, I can just guess that she's probably around a year older than Luna. So, she's about 3-4 years old. I'm pretty sure that she's been fixed because we've not had the problems that we did with Luna at around 8-10 months of age. (Liz, you know what I'm talking about!) That gross, perverse problem of having a female cat in heat. YUCK! So, anywho...I can't really say much for Patches other than she's a princess that kills everything! Lately our animals have made our yard into a killing ground for birds, mice, moles, you name it...groundhogs, oppossum, rabbits, chipmunks. NOTHING is safe in our yard! So, I've caught Patchie with mostly birds, but a few mice. I don't know how she's keeping her shapely figure! We got Patches from Aunt Madge & Mark (that's Joe's side). They had found her and tried to keep her, but she was so skittish that they couldn't take care of her. So, we took her. She has s-l-o-w-l-y warmed up to us and now she loves us like crazy. But she hates it when "strangers" are in the house. She hides. So, here's Patches because I've got to get going...

Patches' names:

Patches (official)

Patchie (short)

Patch (even shorter)

Apachie (Joe thinks it's cute???)

And I forgot to add Luna's names the other day,

Luna/Loona (officials)

Lunie/Loonie (shorts)

Lunita (that's mine, with a Spanish flare!)


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