Tuesday, July 10, 2007


I knew I was getting into a lot with trying to get 3 kids. I've got 2 of them this whole week, it's only Tuesday and at some moments I think it's time to pull all hair out of my head! I had them quite a bit last week except for maybe 2 or 3 days max. Those 2-3 days were used to get caught back up. We got all three on Saturday and had them all until Sunday afternoon. Now I've got the boys all week until Friday night. Fostermom's nursing church camp this week and Oldest is there too. Youngest tried to drown the white kitten last night. He got to stand in the corner while we watched David and the Giant Pickle (Veggietales if you didn't know...) He hated it! We have found that making him sit in time out really doesn't hit him like it should. So, we're experimenting to find something else that works. He's also not to even touch the cats today, even over at mom-in-law's house.
Some of you don't really know what's been going on with sis-in-law. She's been kinda sick for a while now and I know many of you have been praying. She's lost a lot of weight and she's had trouble breathing. She went to a doc yesterday to basically get a computer eval on different things in her body. The lymph system test came back normal. PRAISE GOD! The lump on her neck (which I figured was just an inflamed lymph node because she's been sick) could have possibly been filled with the C word and that was the fear. But since that test came back normal...it's just inflamed and not the C word! I've been sure that God healed her all along, but the Enemy puts doubts and fears in our minds sometimes and it really makes us wonder. So, the doc put her on a detox for a month because her body is filled with toxins (obviously from the one chemo treatment that she took over a year ago...did you know that chemo will stay in your body for a year and a half?!?). So, her diet is limited, but other than that we're praising God for his answer to prayers. We've had so many people tell us that God already healed her and that God told them so. I HATE the Enemy for making mom-in-law worry so much. It's been really hard on her lately. But HALLELUJAH, I knew she was healed!
We're going over there today to can some beets. Yummy! The boys will have fun going over to Mamaw's.
Oh, one last personal note...Jana: The black kitten isn't all black, it's got a lot of white on it. You could call it socks or something. So, tell Pat not to worry. Also, are you going to the Ladies retreat thing in September? I have thoughts of going, but I thought it would be cool to room together. If you're thinking of going, let us know and we can add you into one of our rooms we have set aside. We'll have a blast! Well, that's all for now....Adios!


Jana said...

Gurl...you are just full of fun news!
Yes we do want the kitten...purty please??
And as for conference I am going...the ladies in Jackson do not know if they are going...so as of right now I am planning on goiing with you guys...I would love to room with ya... What a blast it would be! Of course...we hafta rope in Cindy, Melody, Tracie, Wendy...ya know "the crew"
I can't wait....I saw Jackie G yesterday and she told me you would be calling me...
Harumph! ~As Jana waits anxiously by her cell phone for her dear friend to call. My My...I tell you. lol No really that will be great...When is good to get the kitty?? This Sunday by chance?? We will be passin thru after a wedding in Akron....Did you get my email that my site address has changed?? Please tell Tiff that we are praying for her and we love you guys bunches!

MotherT said...

Welcome to "motherhood", Missy!!! They can be such handfuls of ornerinous(?) at times, and the such armfuls of loviness at others!