Thursday, July 19, 2007

I have no clue...

Here I sit with the purpose of blogging, but my mind is blank. So, I'm not responsible for the randomness of what is on here today. The first thing on my mind it GOD SENT THE RAIN! Hallelujah! It rained last night for the first time in what seems like 4 years and it's a gloomy rainy day outside and I'm not really minding it. Praise God for the rain!
I have so many things to do around the house today but feel no motivation. We dropped the kids off again last night because Fostermom had to work yesterday. She also has to work tomorrow, so we're going back up there to pick them up tonight. They may be going with the Dennison bunch to camp tomorrow night, but that's unsure yet.
Oh, my good Lord, it's Thursday! I haven't done a Thursday Thirteen yet! I'll have to get on that. Problem is...I don't feel creative today, so it may not be great....
So anywho...I really need to at least do dishes and laundry today before we go pick up the kids tonight. I'm hoping that I'll get motivated sometime soon.
Please pray for my grandpas, on both sides. The one on my mom's side has prostate cancer and they are going in today to place "markers" for future radiation "treatments". I'm a firm believer that all radiation and chemo do are kill people. Please pray for his healing BEFORE he takes the radiation. He's not a christian either. On my dad's side, my grandpa has leukemia. I don't think he's doing anything about it though. He's just dealing with grandma's dementia right now. I haven't heard anything else from that side. He is Apostolic, he's got the Holy Ghost and he's okay as far as that's's just hard to take.
Sis-in-law (Superhubbie's sister) is on her step 2 now, which is boosting her immune system. Step 1 was getting the toxins out of her system. She's on a slow hill up, but she's working on it and she is doing better even though she still looks frail, she's not going to changer her appearance overnight. Well...I really oughtta get going....too many things to do...

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