Tuesday, July 24, 2007

It's Fair time again.....Boo Hoo!

Ok, first of all..I realize it's summer and a super-duper busy time of the year...but comment people! Comment!!! Maybe my life isn't all that interesting or something, but some of you have found it to be because I have 400-some on my counter thingy. Ok, I'll stop crying about that.
So, it's fair week. I knew I was going to have to get up Monday morning at 5:15 to pick up trash, and as much as I'm not a morning person, I committed to it, so I went. Problem was...Sunday night I went to bed at 10:30ish and laid there for I know at least 1:30 before I fell into a good sleep. And even after that, anything and everything the dogs did woke me up. I got somewhere between 4 and 5 hours of sleep that night, and if you know me...I don't function on that little sleep. Lady started scratching her side at 5:12 and woke me up, so I stayed up and got ready to go. When I got home at 8:30, I took a shower (thank God!) and went back to bed at 9:00. I "slept" until 11:00. But I really only got one hour to MAYBE and hour and a half of sleep (NOT the full 2 hours that I was in bed). >:-( I got up at 11 out of pure discust because I knew I had to get things done (which I didn't...) At 3:15 until 3:45 I went back to bed because fatigue had really hit me hard at that time and I was supposed to leave at 4 to go park cars at the fair. I just laid there...no sleep for me. So, when we got back home last night, we ate and hit the sack at 10:45. I zonked out! When my alarm went off at 5:15 this morning, my body wouldn't get up. I hit the alarm and slept for another 9 minutes (why don't alarms do 10?!?!) and dragged myself into the livingroom to call the pastor and ask him if it was okay if I didn't come this morning. I knew that if I would've gotten into a vehicle, I wouldn't have made it there...they'd have found me in a ditch somewhere between here and there probably. I felt bad, but the only thing that was taking the guilt away was last night Sica and Ren were talking about how they were both going to be there this morning. I'll definitely be there in the morning, but I'll have the kiddos. So, I'll have to get up earlier...closer to 5ish. That'll be fun! I get to pick them up after parking cars tonight. Fostermom works Wed and Saturday this week. Saturday will be crazy because of their visitation being the first half of the day, then someone's got to go back over there to pick them up again afterwards.
Update on Superhubbie's sis...she's slowly getting more energy back. But the air quality is absolutely horrendous. She's still having trouble breathing, but most "healthy" people are right now also. Her detox ends next Wed! She told mom-in-law that she thinks she has gained back some weight, but she really doesn't know where she started. On Wed, we're cooking a speacial dinner for her. I really think that once she gets through the detox and can eat what she wants we're going to see a very speedy recovery. I went over today and hooked up the ol' Super Nintendo and we played Super Mario, she seemed to loosen up a bit. It was fun. Well, I really need to get some things done before 4, so I gotta get goin'. Until next time...


MotherT said...

Poor Missy!! So young, and so tired! See you Weds. night!

chunkinchomer said...

Just browsing and happened upon your site.

Come visit us at chunkinchomer.blogspot.com

And be sure to leave a comment, we read them to the kids.

Best wishes!