Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Midwife appointment

I arrived safely at the doctor's office where my midwife works, so no problems on the road. Found it perfectly! (Thanks for the good directions Superhubby!) After doing the preliminaries in paperwork and filling out my family medical history, they took me in and weighed me. I always hate that part, why can't they take your word for it? I weighed myself yesterday morning and of course in the middle of the day and dressed I'm going to weigh five pounds more!!! Yuck! I still say I haven't gained a bit since I got prego...yet. Then, they made me pee in a cup. POSITIVE RESULTS!!!! Guess what everybody? I'm pregnant!!! As if we didn't know before. Then they took me into a room with a table and three chairs, took my blood pressure and then the midwife came in with the student midwife that they're hoping to sign on by the time my baby is born. Both were very nice! They let me ask any questions that I had after she told me about her and the practice. They also said that my self-calculated due date was right. February 2, 2010. She said as of yesterday I was 8 wks 6 days. That makes me 9 weeks today! Then she left me with the student nurse-midwife for some "education". She went through the usual dos and don'ts of pregnancy and how to get a hold of them if it's not within regular business hours. Oh! Remember all the shenanigans that I went through to get a simple question answered at Mr. OB/GYN's office? Yeah, Mrs. Midwife said that if I call and don't get a call back within 10----TEN MINUTES!!!!!------to call back because there was a miscommunication somewhere! That is AMAZING! Soooo cooool! After the "education session" the fun began. They took my blood. I've never had blood taken before. I hate needles (I think I've mentioned that before). So, I didn't look at the nurse at all once I sat down. Thought it would be easier that way. Sure, we talked, but I never looked the way of the needle. It went in painlessly and when I realized she was taking blood, I told her thank you for being a good aim. :-) She said around about the third vial is when I said "I'm feeling kinda weird." (She only took four....THAT'S A LOT OF BLOOD!!!) So, knowing me (Mom) I almost passed out. I probably would have if the other nurse hadn't come in and put smelling salts under my nose. I also gagged a few times, and when I came out of it all I was sweating like crazy! She told me that it was the coolest room in the place and to me it felt like 100 degrees! Once I cooled down and wiped the sweat from my brow, face, neck and arms :-) I left. (Mrs. Midwife said that the next appointment will be the physical and all that usually goes with the first appointment. She said the first time she meets with someone, she'd rather not see them naked! I appreciated that!) And arrived safely (with a lightheaded feeling) home. By the time I got home I needed to lie down. Superhubby was going to be home in an hour and I told him when he called what the plan was and he said ok. I felt woozy all evening long! It's a good thing Superhubby was making supper! The steak, potatoes and salad were wonderful! We even had a couple slices of mom-in-law's homemade whole wheat bread with butter! Yummy! It made me feel better, but I still couldn't stand up quickly or I'd lose my balance. I feel better today. So, much to do! Much to do!

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