Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Not morning sickness, but what is it?!?

I think I seasoned the beef to go into empanadas on Monday night a leeeetle too much. My tummy just didn't like mouth, yes...tummy, no. I basically spent all day yesterday laying around holding my belly and running to the loo. Then, stupid me...I didn't realize until after the fact what it was and I ate another empanada for lunch yesterday too! It got worse, so much worse! It tasted great! But my belly just didn't like it.

I was supposed to go to my "Meet & Greet" with my midwife yesterday afternoon. About 20 minutes before I was to leave the house I get a call from her office saying she got called in to a delivery. I should expect that, right? So, I told them to just schedule me for my first OB appointment instead of wasting more time. So, I have my first appt with her on Monday (when my original OB/GYN appt was to be anyway).

Superhubby met with Mr. Insurance and got me more Dr. visits added to my policy. So, that's taken care of. Yay! Things are falling into place! I knew they would. Now, just if I can get my belly to feeling better, I'll be doing great!

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