Monday, June 15, 2009


A couple of ladies at the church have told me of their dreams they've had about me:

1) I had twin girls and named them Tanya Ann & Tiffany Jo! (YUCK!!!)

2) I had triplets!!!! (HAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!)

And I know this sounds funny, but since I'm not going to have an ultrasound and find out what the gender of the baby is...I've been praying about it! No, really! The last few nights when I can remember, I prayed before going to sleep that God would give me a dream about my baby and that I would remember the dream. Here's the results so far...

1) Very vague dream that I had a healthy, happy baby boy. Man was he cute!!!!

2) Last night's was strange! I was in the hospital, having the baby--no pain! Baby pops out, they take it, don't tell me anything about it, say something about busting an aorta and run away. Superhubby and I are there speechless, they bring the baby back in a diaper and leave again. Superhubby and I are like "Boy or girl?!?" I open the diaper and there's NOTHING there! It's flat! There was no gender identifiers there! I said, "Girl?" :-) I have no idea what that one was about! Weird!!!!


Anonymous said...

LOL, Missy, uh....that second dream's a leetle....wierd!! Blame those crazy pregnancy hormones. LOL. =)

We didn't find out the sex of the boys. W/Abby (being the first) we did. I was too anxious/impatient to wait and find out. =) But waiting to find out w/the boys was fun, it was fun guessing. When I was in labor w/Hunter I kept telling the doc "DON'T tell me what it is, I want my husband to do that!" She assured me she wouldn't. So when Hunter popped out the cord was in the way and Daniel couldn't see right away what he was. But I was watching in the mirror they have on the ceiling and I actually saw before he did that Hunter was, in fact, a boy. With Jonathan....I just knew. I don't really remember any specific dreams. But his pregnancy was soooo differnt from Abby's I knew we were having a boy. Hunter kept me guessing the whole time. =) ~CH

Anonymous said...

PS: I had people CONSTANTLY telling me the whole time what they thought the baby was going to be. We knew Abby was going to be a girl and were looking forward to that. One lady insisted it was a boy and I got soooo emotional and upset b/c I wanted a girl. Well....when I got pregnant with the boys I wised up....and just pretty much ignored everything anyone said to me about what they thought the baby was! Get used it it, you'll get a lot of that. *rolls eyes* LOL =) ~CH