Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Pregnancy symptoms & VBS don't mix!

So, we have VBS at our church this week (Monday-Thursday). I was supposed to be in charge of the "Choir class" and we also had a "Praise singing class". I'm not entirely sure why we had both, considering that we both do basically the same thing AND we have to compete with classes like: Clowns, Puppets, Cooking (my mother-in-law does choc-chip cookies in that class!), and Crafts! Monday I went to help out (as an obedient Godly woman would) and I had 1--ONE child sign up for my class and there were three that signed up for praise singing. How can you have a choir of ONE? So, we decided to combine classes that night. We had five adults to three registered children that showed up. I think the odds were good that with me feeling the way I did (stomach feeling like a rock and heartburn like crazy and more tired than I had ever been), I really wouldn't be needed the rest of the week. And I'm glad I talked to the guy in charge and asked him if that was ok, because last night it got worse! It was to the point that, if I would have waited any longer to eat, I would have vomitted (don't ask me what, because there was nothing in the tummy!). My back was killing me and so was my foot (which for some reason decided that a bone was going to displace itself in the top of my foot on Saturday) and I couldn't stand for long periods of time. So, there I was with Superhubby trying to help me make supper (my mexican feast of chicken and cheese enchiladas, rice, beans and guacamole) because I got really desperate. He saw me almost doubling over from the stomach pain (nausea?) and leaning against the freezer from the foot and back pain, I guess he felt sorry for me and decided to help. So, needless to say, I'm really glad I backed out of VBS for the rest of the week. I don't think I would've lived through it.

Speaking of Superhubby...he has been so good to me. (He always has been, but even more so now.) Last week I had a craving something fierce for onion rings! It started on Tuesday, but we didn't have them and he was going to the store on Thursday. So, I mentioned it again to him while at the store and he really didn't say much. He DID, however, show up at the house with a huge vidalia onion and he made me HOMEMADE onion rings!!! I don't remember what we had them with, but those onion rings were sooooo gooood!!!! We made them again at mom-in-law's on Saturday with hamburgers. Then I made one comment yesterday while he was at the grocery store that I'd like some Oreos with milk. He came home with a pack of Oreos! Now, mind you, I'm not (yet, and hopefully won't be) the pregnant woman who scarfs down everything she sees, or eats a whole pack of Oreos by herself in one sitting. But I do enjoy these cravings as much as I can while still being conscious of my weight and what I should and shouldn't be eating and how much. But I have also found that no matter what I eat, it's going to give me heartburn, just since last week. I hear that if you have a lot of heartburn during pregnancy, your baby will have lots of hair at birth. We'll see.


Liz said...

Tums. Have them handy at all times.

Say it with me. Tums.

Missy said...

Tuuuuummmmmmsssss! (I found apples help too!)

Anonymous said...

LOL, yeah, I think I took out stock on Tums! .....but you've seen my children Missy. Bald as a cucumber when they were born (and being blonde, any hair they DID have was hard to see. lol) So....who knows? I've heard that old wives tale too. =) I had heartburn with Abby the worst, and she was the one w/the very least hair, and then....poor thing, my baby GIRL....didn't get any hair till she was like 2 1/2! But wouldn't ya know, Jonathan had his first hair cut at 10 mos! And check out the curls on Hunter now! =) Lol. ....Abby was so bald, in fact, that (even in pink frilly dresses) she'd get called a boy. (Gaaahh!) And for her first bday pics, I Karo Syruped a bow to her head just so it would stick, lol, and she could have a bow in her hair for the pictures!! She didn't have enough hair to actually put a bow IN! (At least she tasted yummy after I took the bow off and kissed her little head clean. heeheehee) =) ~CH