Friday, June 12, 2009

Soapbox Rantings

So, many of you don't know and will soon...and probably will try to talk me out of many things (it won't work) having to do with this pregnancy...some of which you'll find out about in the next couple minutes. But I really want to go with a midwife--at the hospital. The county I live in, the hospital does not allow you to use a midwife in said hospital. So, I must go to a neighboring county's hospital to use said midwife...not really a problem. They are all three pretty much equidistant from our home. But the insurance company does not cover midwives. Okay, not a problem...but when I called said insurance company to ask that question, Mr. Insurance Man tells me that the MASSIVE amount of moolah that we fork out for medical insurance only covers 2--TWO doctor's visits per year!?!?! Excuse me?!? When we signed up for this "Wonderful Medical Insurance" we were told that if I do get prego, all prenatal visits will fall under one visit because of a reoccuring condition. So, Superhubby is going to call said Mr. Insurance Man and chew him out! (At least I hope so.) I would do it, but I'm not near knowledgable enough about insurance to really do a decent job of knawing someone's head off. I might try to gum them to death, but that usually doesn't work. Teeth are really needed for that job! So...I'm thinking that this midwife that I'm wanting to go with might be a better option for multiple reasons.

1) She works around your income as to how much she charges.

2) I could drop my medical portion of insurance for the year after my first appt. on the 29th with my OB/GYN because all of my TWO allotted doctor's visits are used up...making for less of a monthly insurance payment.

3) I'll keep the hospitalization portion of insurance so that I'll be covered when going into labor.

4) And she's a woman!!!!! Definately a plus for me, because I really don't feel comfy having another man doing whatever they do down there. Ask my mom, I've always been modest! And it's not because I'm Pentecostal! I've been modest from birth! No running around the house naked as a jay bird for me as a toddler!

Ok, now that I'm off my soapbox about the insurance--YUCK!--I'll jump to the next one. It's called "I've made up my mind, and you won't change it, no matter how hard you try!"

Issue #1: I'm not getting an ultrasound as long as it's medically possible. If there is a desperate need for one, maybe...but I would really rather not. Reason: (If you're pregnant and agree with ultrasounds you might not want to read this!) There has not been any significant research done on ultrasound machines and their safety. They were made, and since then, no one has really checked to see if there are any long term problems that pop up from having one or many on your baby. One also doesn't need to have any kind of certification to man an ultrasound machine. There are celebrities that buy u/s machines to use in their homes!!!!! How rediculous is that?!?! There are many other reasons, I've done my research, but really don't think you want to read them all. But I do have my reasons. Thank you for listening!

Issue #2: I'm not going to get an epidural...PERIOD. Many may say that they're the best thing since sliced bread, but I don't want one! Reason: It is known that there are risks that go with putting a large needle in your spine. AND I DON'T LIKE LITTLE NEEDLES, WHY WOULD I WANT A BIG ONE IN MY BACK?!?

Issue #3: I want to go with a midwife, not an OB/GYN. Reason: The above two issues are usually pushed (especially Issue #1) when it comes to OB's. I don't want any undue pressure on me when it comes to decisions I have made. I want the person helping me to be understanding and follow through with what I want and need. Not trying to "pull the wool over my eyes" and give me something that I don't want, or don't know what it is.

Issue #4: I want to use cloth diapers. Reason: Disposable diapers don't deteriorate for like a million years! When Superhubby took Environmental Science in college, he talked to me a lot about what helps and hurts the environment and it really stuck. Am I a "Tree Hugger"? No, but I think the less trash I put out there, the better this world will be. By the way, Mrs. Lemon, can you make any suggestions? Or anyone else with input for that matter, as to what brand to use, etc, etc.?

Issue #5: You know, I really don't enjoy being "teased" or what have you about having multiples! Twins...triplets....whatever! I love you all, but please...PLEASE?!? Don't talk to me about having multiples! If we find out that we are, fine. But it scares the bejeebers out of me and I don't think the baby needs that kind of undue stress right now. Thank you.

Okay, I think I'm off the soapboxes for now. I just really had to get all that off my chest. I feel better now...really, I do!


Liz said...

Yeah, your insurance sucks :)

And - hey, every pregnancy is different, and everyone's choice is different, so no judgment from me. I was all about the no epidural, going natural, etc ... until I was actually in labor. :) Then my mind got changed in a hurry! I wouldn't change anything about my experience though, and I think that's the important thing.

Cloth diapers rock! Email me anytime, it's too long to leave a comment. Or, visit the cloth diaper blog I contribute to. Lots of cool tips on there.

Anonymous said...

#1: I'll back you up 100%. Like Liz said, every pregnancy is diff, but I didn't have epi's and I don't regret that one bit. I think I already mentioned that in some of the other comments I've made in ur other posts. Just saying, congratulations. I agree with you on the no epi thing and I got ur back if anyone gives u trouble. *wink* ....all in good humor. ;-)

#2: Used disposible diapers with A & J, used cloth with Hunter. Sooooo many advantages w/the cloth diapers!! IE: the moula we saved!! =) I was never a huge fan of the laundry it added (but then again, I hate doing laundry to begin with. lol) Good choice with cloth! I think I may still have a few vinyl pants around here somewhere..... ~CH

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

have you considered an abortion?