Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Don't worry, I've been a slacker otherwise too!

Yeah, pretty much hating this HUGE fatigue thing that goes along with pregnancy. Not only have I slacked in blogging, but the reason for that is because I've slacked in everything else too! There's really nothing to blog about because of the slackiness of my life this last week. And yesterday I literally laid around the house all day until Superhubby came home because I had a monstrous headache and my stomach was following the pattern. It seemed that anything I ate yesterday upset my tum tum, with the exception of a small baked potato with butter, cheddar and salt on it. I think my bod has been trying to fight off the cold that Superhubby has had for the last week because I've occasionally sneezed. Well, Superhubby's cold started with a large headache and last night before I went to bed, a sore throat. YUCK!!!! I can feel my sinuses draining. So, I'm going to attack it full force. Not only am I taking my prenatal vitamins, but I'm going to take a bunch of Vit. C and drink tea--herbal tea that includes things good for the immune system: elderberry, echinacea, hibiscus flowers, rosehips, green tea, stinging nettle, red clover. It's steeping as I type. So, hopefully it won't go full force on me and I can just kill it where it lays.
I just got on facebook and it's amazing the people that come out of the woodwork when you sign up! I already have 35 friends and I just signed up last Thursday! I really wasn't planning on doing much, but people found me, so I guess I'll try to stick with it. I'm still trying to figure the thing out. Do you just comment on people's comments or what? I feel like there should be more, but I've not found it yet. Ok, well...gonna play on facebook a few more minutes, then get to my tea and vitamins. Bye y'all!

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