Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The good, the bad & the scary!

Ok, without going into details...
Friday night into Saturday morning, I was afraid that I was miscarrying the baby. No severe symptoms, just enough to scare the snot out of you, y'know? So, anyway...I've taken it easy since and by Saturday afternoon all the symptoms had pretty much all gone away. I knew I had my OB appointment with my midwife on Monday (yesterday) so I called her Saturday morning to give her a heads up. She basically told me to watch it and take it easy and if anything worsens to call her or go to the ER. This all came after talking to Jana on Friday afternoon and saying that God had given me such a peace over the last 4-5 weeks that I wasn't going to miscarry and that things were going to be just fine. Because early on I really had a lot of fears and misgivings about the whole thing. Then this all happened Friday night. At 2am, I cried my eyes out and Superhubby prayed with me to calm down and for everything to be okay. It calmed me enough to stop crying, but I didn't get hardly any sleep that night.
So.....yesterday I had my midwife appointment at 1:15. Superhubby went along because we dropped our insurance and we had to set up a payment plan with the Dr. office. My midwife decided that after all the craziness of the weekend, we probably had better use the Doppler to hear the heartbeat just to make sure all was going okay. I agreed to it, even though I really didn't want to use the Doppler, because I wanted to make sure that the baby was alive and well. She asked me if I wanted to do an ultrasound, but I declined because hearing the heartbeat was enough to convince me. I do have to say though, that it was the neatest thing! When she found the baby and was pushing on my belly where he/she was, I could feel the "knot" that was the baby in my belly! It felt like it was about the size of an apricot or a plum. We heard my heartbeat right away, but then when she found the baby, you could hear the baby's heartbeat behind mine. Mine was much slower, then you could hear a faster little baby heartbeat in the background, she said about 150 beats per minute. It made us smile! THERE REALLY IS A BABY IN THERE!!! I can't wait until I can feel it moving around! I've fallen in love with a little baby inside me, what a different kind of love...what a new feeling altogether! So...SO...Amazing!



Awww.. im so happy for you! All my friends that have had babies say it's scary sometimes! more when its your first baby... because you dont know whats really goin on! Anyways I wish your and Joe the best of luck! and i know you all will make wonderful parents! love ya. *Alisha*

Missy said...

Hey! Thanks! I didn't know you read my blog! Yay! See ya!
Love you too!