Tuesday, July 21, 2009

12 weeks and counting & a soapbox ranting

Ok, today marks the beginning of the 12th week...aka...end of first trimester!!! I don't know how many people wait until the end of this 12th week to tell anyone that they're expecting!! I think I would've died if I had to wait that long! I have my next Midwife appointment on Monday of this coming week. Not really looking forward to it, but it's somethin' I gotta do.
Next week also marks the beginning of the County Fair. Can I just tell you that I'm really dreading it? You see...our church parks cars in the afternoons/evenings for a huge fundraiser that we do every year. This year, the County Fair falls on the same week as Family Camp for our church at 'the lake'. Therefore...many will duck out of the fair job using Family Camp as an excuse and not even go...or the usual...some will use the fair job to get into the fair and not even do the fair job. Y'know, I'm pregnant and really not wanting to stand on my feet for HOURS ON END...and I know of a few others that are even more pregnant than I am, and they're going to be there. I know one said she's taking her chair and they'll probably put her at the end of an aisle to block the way. I don't know if I'll be able to be as mobile as I usually am. AND Superhubby may not be able to work as much as he usually does because Big Bank is requiring some overtime that week. Gee...does that figure or what?!? He even has to work some on Sunday! That's just rediculous!!!

You know what? I really have something eating at my crawl...I have a problem with "Apostolic/Pentecostals" trying to buck the system, so to speak. If you don't believe what the church teaches, then why do you even come? You've been coming for years...and years...and years and complain the whole way about our standards on clothing, movies, music...our doctrine on baptism and the Holy Ghost and salvation. If you have a problem with these things, maybe you should sincerely pray that God shows you the truth instead of not having a very spiritual relationship with God outside of the church building and talking bad about people and the way they are trying to uphold the basic foundation of THE CHURCH. Obviously your heart isn't in the right place if that's what you're complaining about...Y'know what? If we're wrong, I have NO COMPLAINTS, but if you're wrong, you'll have an eternity of complaints now won't you?
There...that feels better. Maybe we can just chalk this up to pregnancy hormones gone wild...or...maybe not.

1 comment:

Jana said...

I'm with maybe not! LOL But on a more srious note. All this drama is nonsense! Either get behind the leadership or get out! Nobody is "forcing " you to live a certain way...if you don't like it...you have options. But talking about the leadership "behind their backs/in their face so to speak" is not helping the situation. They know it. They are causing division. God will not put up with it for long. If you don't like the standards find another church. No need to complain...put your big girl/boy panties on and find another church. Anyhow...posting this all over facebook is not solving it...only creating more drama. If they really wanted answers/or to solve it, they would do what is right and take it to their pastor/youth leaders/God. But no...they insist on making a scene. What they fail to realize is...they just make themselves look like butts...noone else, just themselves. But what is new...that should be their comfort zone. Just getcha some Jesus for crying out loud....You see this is just a symptom of the real problem. God have mercy upon their souls...