Wednesday, August 29, 2007

So many things...

Superhubby woke up this morning not feeling at the tippy top of his game...headache, indigestion and sinus trouble all in one. Yucky! Nevertheless, he went to work, being the strong, brave Superhubby that he is. I hope he gets better before lunch time, if he doesn't he probably won't eat much.
Monday was Superhubby's birthday! Now we're both 27! Woo-hoo! (*sarcasm!*) He wanted the Bible on CD in mp3 format so very badly, so I got it for him. Mom-in-law gave him his present about 3 weeks ago because she's impatient like that! ;-) She got him one of those yellow "wagon" carts for the garden from Lowes. It's big! I can't lift it on my own very easily and it doesn't fit in the back of the CRV without the back seats down. I've got so many things that I want to get him, but the lack of money kinda kills that idea in its tracks. I'll just have to spread them out over the next 60 years of birthdays, valentine's days, anniversaries and Christmases, should the Lord tarry. :-)
The trees are ALREADY starting to turn!!!! It's August, people!!! I'm tellin' ya! Winter's gonna hit before we're ready for it! I was just thinkin' the other day. Our church was going to have a camping trip to Mohican last weekend. They said that they're going to try and reschedule it. BUT, here's where my thinkin' came in...They're not going to be able to schedule it until the 4th weekend in September (there are 5 this year)! Weekend #1: Labor Day weekend (this next weekend..not enough time to plan and we're having a partay that weekend)...Weekend #2: Ladies' Retreat...Weekend #3: Men's Retreat. It's going to be cold by the time that fourth weekend comes around. I pictured the Annual Hog Roast and Hayride that is always the first weekend in October...snowing! It's just scary!
I'm really looking forward to the Ladies' Retreat! I guess I'm going to have to pack for that next week, huh? It's closer than I realized. I have in my room: Sisters Jaquie, Jaimi and Andrea. We'll have fun, but we're actually going to be able to sleep! WOO-HOO!!!! :-) I'm no good if I don't get sleep! Well, I'm off for now. Too many things to do 'round here!


Sharon said...

Say it ain't so! We can't afford for it to snow that early!! :-( I pray that your thinking is wrong girl!!

the lizness said...

Hope you have a blast at Ladies Retreat!

the lizness said...

helloooooo did you come back from the retreat or did you stay there? :)

Anonymous said...

Good words.