Friday, August 10, 2007

Oh how I loathe housework!

Trying to get caught up from your house sitting practically abandoned for about a week and a half is not fun! There's so much laundry to get caught up on, dishes that sat there for the same amount of time, carpets that really need cleaned now and who knows what else. With Tiff being in the hospital for those 6 days, we only slept and showered here. All other time was spent at the hospital. Then the 6 days after she passed away, we stayed the night at the was good for all of us. We'd come home once a day to make sure all fishies, kitties and the piggie had food and we'd get packed up again for that next night and day. Laundry really piled up, so the last couple days we made sure that there was something in the washer and dryer as we left the house. But that really didn't cut into it that much! Ladybug, being an English Mastiff...has quite a bit of grossness that comes out of her mouth....slobber. :-( Yuck! And she lays down and rubs her chin on the carpet cause sometimes it gets itchy. Well, The bedroom carpet isn't it's normal greenish tint anymore. In spots (about half the carpet) it's more of a brownish I just got done steam cleaning the carpet in the bedroom and got a lot of it out. But I'd have to be a miracle worker (which I'm not) to get the carpet to be its normal self again. So, I'll have to live with dingy looking carpet until we get money to get new I guess.
Ok, on to a different matter...pray for Superhubbie and I. We're going to need financial providence soon. If he doesn't get hired on where he's at now as a temp, we're soon going to be without income. My last check from the school comes next week and he's only supposed to be working there until the end of the month. Just pray...please?
Well...back to the housework...YIPEE! *Sarcasm!*


Jana said...

We will pray! God answers prayer! As you well know. Love ya...

Sharon said...

Don't ya just wish you could tweak your nose and it would all be done? Me too!!!! Love ya!

the lizness said...

Hey, I do love your new look and your flying birds on your banner! You just fit right in the blogosphere Missifer!