Friday, August 17, 2007


I really hope I haven't lost all of my loyal readers. Since Tiff's passing, emotions have been running rampant. Everytime I'd sit down to type, my mind would go blank and that's all I could think about. So, instead of writing about sad things, I didn't write at all. I do want to let you all know how much we (the family) appreciate your prayers! You are all so wonderful!
I've been trying to get the housework caught up and was doing quite well until beets and corn had to be done. It's been really busy. The kiddos are coming out tomorrow afternoon and Sunday. The house is a wreck from being put on the back burner. There are most likely green beans and tomatoes that need to be done that are waiting impatiently for me in the garden. The lawn still hasn't been mowed because our mower went on the fritz again. And I'm trying to get a Sunday School lesson together for Sunday morning to teach Superhubby's class about Latin America (it's a missionary unit). I'm really stressing about that because I've never taught a S.S. lesson before. So, all of the previously mentioned stuff gets put off until I can get this lesson done. AND I'm going to the farmer's market with my mom tomorrow morning. So, really, there's not much time to do anything. I'm really looking forward to doing the farmer's market...I've never done it before. But my only issue is...I wish we had some produce of our own to sell. We've only got enough right now for us because the garden got put off for the 3 weeks that all was going on with Tiff. So, I'm still overwhelmed. Keep praying for Superhubby's job situation...nothin' yet. I love you all! Thanks for praying!


Sharon said...

I can't wait! I am finishing up some more friendship bread and then need to do the labels. Are you baking anything? I have some canned goods too, not sure if I will be allowed to sell it or not, though.


MotherT said...

Still reading, still praying! And, for crying out loud, Missy, you've taught in public school--Sunday School lessons should be a walk in the park!!!

the lizness said...

It's okay to not have anything to think about sometimes than your loss. Accept it. It will help you.