Saturday, May 10, 2008

Day 1 - 9am CST

Superhubby arose this morning at 2:50 and woke me up at 2:58...2 minutes before my alarm was to go off!!!! Don’t you hate that? I finally fell asleep around midnight last night and woke back up at 2, then fell back to sleep. So, I got around 3 hours of sleep. If you know me well, I don’t function on less than 7 hours, so I’m not doing too wonderful in my brain.
Well, we pushed off from the in-laws (I mean out-laws :-) ) at 3:40 am. A 20 minute miracle! We were supposed to leave at 4. Molly and Woody knew we were leaving last night when we took their bed over to the in-laws. Molly had that worried look on her face every time we’d go to take something out to the camper or vehicle and leave her in the house. So, we had to say g’bye to our babies this morning. I miss them already. It’s now 10am for those of you at home and we’re in Tennessee. Mom-in-law said we’re definitely going to make Nashville by noon (especially if it’s home time, not central time).
We’re making really good time, not as good mileage and I actually got a nap in the mix. But only after I curled up in the back of the Explorer with my pillow and blankie. Most of our stuff is packed in the camper, so I slept back here with the food and cooler. I really don’t know how long I slept, but it really wasn’t bad rest. Well, more later.

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