Sunday, April 6, 2008

Shout, For He has given us this city!

Revival fire fall! Since I've been walking the city streets all week, I've not had time to post about all of the absolutely awesome things that God is doing! Ok, really, revival started on Easter Sunday night. We had one lady (Jackie) get baptized in Jesus name and get the Holy Ghost. The following Sunday night (last week) one man (Terry) did the same. We started revival with the Cook's that same day. All afternoon on Sunday, we walked around town, hanging door hangers and handing out fliers advertising our big community day and giveaway event that is to happen today (and yesterday at the park). I walked the streets some more on Monday afternoon, Tuesday all day, Wednesday all day, Thursday all day and worked on stuff in the office, calling people and gathering a list of names on Friday. During Wednesday night's service, 6 were baptized in Jesus name (one of which got the Holy Ghost) and two others got the Holy Ghost! On Friday, Brother Cook went out talking to people on the street and he found a man that was in need of God and he ended up coming back to the church and getting baptized and received an awesome touch from God! I hope he shows up to the service today! So, since Easter Sunday, 9 have gotten baptized and 5 have received the Holy Ghost! And it's not over yet! The whole church has had an incredible anticipation of today's service. We all feel like it's going to be such a huge outpouring of the Spirit! I can't wait until 2:00 when it all starts!
On a side note, on Tuesday, my brother and sis-in-law told us that they're going to have a boy! I don't remember if I told you before, but at Christmas they told us the good news. So, for now, they have picked out Nathan for a name. She's due in early August. Yay! I'm going to be an auntie!!! :-)
Another side note, the kiddos' verdict came in for the March trial. The court is giving mom and dad another two months to get their act together. So, yet another trial some time in May. Woohoo.....

1 comment:

Sharon said...

Mike and Renee have the name "Mason" picked out for their little one. Love ya!!