Friday, November 6, 2009

We need an update, huh?

Ok, so I have yet another (now we're at every 3 weeks) midwife appointment on Monday. Not looking forward to getting my blood drawn one little bit!

I think the baby has been having very short spurts of hiccups, like 4-5 hiccups then it's done. I just thought that they were rhythmic kicks, my baby's got rhythm! But I guess it's possible that they're hiccups, who knows!

I had a terrible headache invade my body on Tuesday overnight into Wednesday. I eeeked (sorry Superhubby, it's a word to me!) through the day on Wednesday while going to work and to the previously mentioned non-profit organization that helps with pregnancies before going home and practically crashing for the rest of the night. I hate skipping church services, but I would have been worthless and gotten nothing out of the service whatsoever! It was such a sickening headache that I didn't even eat supper! That's bad for that I'm prego, I can't seem to skip a meal at all. But it's all over now, thank you Jesus!

I can't believe I'm already into my third trimester! Time has just flown by! I'm hoping that over the next few wintry months, I'll have time to get the nursery in order. I've not really worked much on it so far, been trying to keep up with everything else.

Well, I think I'm going to try to make some banana nut muffins for my Grandpa that I'll probably see tomorrow and then gotta get back to the laundry and dishes. Later all!

PS, thanks for all the wonderful comments! Love ya!

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