Monday, November 16, 2009

Needles & Saws

Ok, so an update from my last midwife appt a week ago:
On my way to the Dr. office, I drank a nasty sweet drink and then when I got there, they were behind on everything because the main Dr. in the office was away at a delivery. Thankfully, not only my midwife Becky, but the used to be intern, now turned certified nurse-midwife, Emily was also there taking care of anyone who didn't want to reschedule. So, Becky didn't have the bulk of the load. My appt was with Emily this time and she was very nice. You all know my hatred of needles, well...this appt didn't help matters much. When they went to take my blood for the Gestational Diabetes and Hemoglobin tests, they had to poke me three times! She first poked me on the left arm at the elbow bend, then the right arm at the wrist, then finally got blood from my left hand. I've only gained 6 lbs during my pregnancy, so I don't know what the prob's not like I ballooned up like the Hindenburg or anything! So, anyway, they took the blood with me laying down this time because of what happened last time and once she finally was able to get blood, it was over in no time flat! She only took 2 vials instead of the 4 that was needed last time, so I was good to go! Baby's heartbeat was 130's-140''s what it has been the entire time. I'm really starting to show now, belly's gettin' bigger by the day I think. ;-)

A week ago, my dad gave Superhubby his old chainsaw and bought himself a new one. Superhubby is so happy to have another chainsaw and he calls it his "monster". It's a lot more powerful than the one he had and he's very pleased. So, now we're on our way to replacing all the stuff that was stolen, but it'll take a while.

Well, I have another midwife appointment in a week...we're down to every other week now. It's gone by so quickly! I really need to get the motivation to work on that nursery! Organization is not my forte...unfortunately. Later y'all!

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