Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Praise God for cooler weather! AC off-windows open! We got a heavy rainstorm last night. It just popped up out of the blue after all the other storms had passed and we got nuthin...thought we had been neglected AGAIN, but God gave us rain! It was probably around 10 or so and we heard thunder...checked the radar and sure ' she came. What a great way to cool the weather down! It's going to be a beautiful day today!

I really haven't felt like blogging the last few days. I've been trying to get caught up on everyone on facebook and then I got addicted to cloth diaper shopping! I had no idea that they had come so far! Some friends of ours just showed us a bumGenius diaper that they use on their one year old and I was AMAZED!!!! I think that's the brand I want to go with, especially the one size ones because they will go with your child until they're potty trained. I stand in awe...

So, last weekend, Superhubby and I were laying in bed and I felt the baby "lump" like I had before and I said "There's the baby!" Superhubby asked "Where?" So I put his hand where mine was and HE FELT IT! It was so cool! Then he said "It moved..." and he chased it around my belly for a couple minutes. Even though we're not feeling it kicking and tumbling around, it's cool to be able to feel that it's there. They neatest feeling when he actually felt it. So amazing!

1 comment:

Liz said...

The good news about the bumGenius diapers is they have excellent resell value on diaper swap forums. My favorite mom-seller website is the Bargain Basement on check it out, maybe buy a few used bG's to try out before you invest in brand new ones. Also, they are best used on 10bs and above babies, so if Baby is not 10lbs at birth, which I hope to GOD for your sake she/he is not, then you may need to wait a little bit to use them. But hey, I used 'sposies for about 3 weeks to give myself a chance to rest before I started in on the cloth diapers, and I plan to do that as well this time.

And that is the end of Chapter One of my comment. :)