Friday, October 12, 2007

So much to do, so little time!

Ok, I'm being hounded again. So, here I am. I've been working my buttoocus off trying to get my house up to par so we can pass our "home study" for the kids. We found out from Fostermom that the permanent custody trial (the one that was supposed to take place July 26th, is now going to take place January 14th (?) I think. So, it'll take up to 3-4 weeks after that before we hear the verdict. We could feasibly have the kids in our home by March if things go right. But we have to pass "inspection"!!!! Aaaauuugggghhhh!! I'm really stressing, because I've gotten "slothful" as the pastor preached about on Wednesday...yes, he may have been preaching to you, but he was also preaching to me. It's called L-A-Z-I-N-E-S-S! I lost all motivation and really didn't want to do a thing. Talk about selfish! So, here I am, getting caught up. I started last week on Thursday and spent Thursday and Friday cleaning and scouring the kitchen in any way that I could find. Rearranging some furniture and things and just redoing all that I had the fancy for. Monday I moved to the master bathroom and did the same thing and began on the master bedroom. I spent all day Tuesday, Wednesday and finished early yesterday working on laundry and cleaning the bedroom. In the meantime I also got boxes together to take to Goodwill. That's what took me so long on the bedroom...I had to sort through all kinds of stuff...clothes and all the junk that ends up in a bedroom. It's kinda the "catch-all" room, if you will. So, I started yesterday afternoon on the livingroom and that's where I am today. My momma called me earlier and practically ordered me (per one of my faithful readers) to at least put one entry on here. So, here I is. I took time out of my busy livingroom-cleaning day to let you all in on my busy doings. So, that's what I've been up to. Superhubby still hasn't been hired on yet at Big Bank Corporation, but God is still in control. I'm going to start up my Spanish classes for homeschoolers and adults here in the next few weeks, so stay tuned for that. Well, gotta get to scourin' again. Love y'all, even though I haven't posted lately. I really do! God bless!


the lizness said...

I know what you mean about getting lazy. We're moving in a couple of weeks, and so I don't want to bother cleaning surface stuff because in 2 weeks I'll have to clean the apartment when we move out. Don't judge me for the dustbunnies under my dryer. :)

MotherT said...

I figured you had been busy, but I still missed reading your blog!! Have fun cleaning! (If you ever get finished at your place, and still have energy left, let me know, I'll give you a key!)

Jana said...

LOL....(Thanks Mom!) I was about to send out the blog police!
We will be praying about the kids.
How's my "crew" in Mt Vernon? The last time I talked to Mel or Cin, or Tracy, or Wendy,!??!!! Noone had planned a girls night will you bug em for me?
Love ya!