Wednesday, October 17, 2007


Something I think I omitted in the last post is this: Last Tuesday we had to have Ladybug put down. :-( I bawled the day before, the day of and the day after almost non-stop. We knew we were going to have it done...she was just getting way too bad. And having a 115 lb dog (who had lost weight) get so bad that she can't get up from her bed is not what I call fun. Her hips were getting so bad that I was afraid that I'd be stuck at home alone with her and she couldn't get up. I can't carry that much weight to the vehicle to take her to the vet. So we decided to end her misery, because she really was in a lot of pain from all the arthritis and all she had wrong with her. She had a wonderfully fun year and a half with us though. At least her best years were her last ones.

Still working on the house, it's much prettier than it was before! Haven't gotten to the painting yet. Still trying to make sure everything else is done first. The last coulple things I'll do is finish the painting and clean the carpets.

I'm really excited and nervous all at the same time. Tonight, I'm the "special" at church and I'm going to play my own music on the keyboard!!! AAAAUUUUGGGGHHH!!!! I've been taking lessons from Sis. Smith and they're going really well. Truly, I've only taken 2 lessons from her and one from Sis. Harry, but who's counting?!?! Well, just got online to pay some bills and check some stuff, so I'd better get to checkin' my e-mail, then back to workie. Love y'all!!!

Oh, P.S. :-) I've made the announcement at church about the Spanish classes, so if you're going to want to take 'em you'd better come see me soon!


Jana said...

Congrats on the tell? do tell??? How did it go?

Anonymous said...

Miss Missy,

you were FABULOSO last night with your song. truly God-annointed. and with LJ's announcement maybe our saints will think before speaking on Sunday with visitors

te amo

Carolyn said...

Aw man! I missed your special??!! (I was, lucky me, home with a sick kiddo.) :-( I will have to get the tape and listen. After Jessica's comment, I am most curious to hear it! :)

Check me out sometime...I FINALLY have a blog, thanks to a little prodding from a certain individual.

See ya in a few hours at mime. :)