Thursday, July 17, 2008

I know, I know, forever and a day...

You've probably stopped checking by now, but I FINALLY got a chance to update this thang. I started a new job last week, so any (none) extra time that I had has now been reduced by 40 hours! I'm working at a small, privately owned financial institution in the area. It's interesting, never done this kind of work before. I'm still learning, but it's kinda fun. It's a laid back environment, which I like too.
I still have 2 kittens if anyone really wants one, I'm giving them away! :-) We're working on keeping up with the garden. We still have tons of lettuces. We have some cucumbers. We fried up our first zucchini the other night. I've been playing bee this last week. Our zucchini plants were dropping their blossoms, so we tried taking a paint brush to the inner parts of the flowers and we now have baby zucchinis!!! This morning I was ecstatic to see 4-5 bees (I don't know what kind, I just know they weren't bumbles.) pollinating the zuccini on their own!!! Yay! We dug up some of the red potatoes that the plants died the other day. We've gotta get out there and finish that up. The rest of the red potatoes and yukon golds are still growing. They may be huge! We have green tomatoes so far. They were a little farther behind because of the cool weather in May. We have some jalapeƱos, cayennes and hungarian wax peppers. We have some baby bell peppers. Our peas have come and gone, they're now in the freezer. :-) Yum! The cabbage is still growing and we'll have green beans in a few weeks. Hopefully they'll hold off til after the fair! The corn is still getting taller, the melons and pumpkins are still going well too. The garden is huge and going full force. And the weeds are hard to keep up with!
The kiddos came out a couple weeks ago. (The week before I started my job.) They stayed here all week while Fostermom played nurse at the campgrounds. It was fun.
Red, the guinea pig, died the week before that. He was an old man! We'll miss you Red Man!
This last week, we adopted 3 baby (3 days old) chicks from mom-in-law. They are part banny (sp?) chicken. They were the smallest babies I've seen. They're really growin' now and they're eatin' like piggies! Their mom and sibling were killed by a coon one night. So, we took 'em in.
I'm excited to have some new friends, Katie & Olvin. Katie got baptized a week ago, then on Friday of that week got the Holy Ghost! Now Olvin is talking about getting baptized this next week, but he really wants LJ to do the honors. He told Katie that he would've gotten baptized last night if LJ were there! I'm so excited for what God is doing in their lives!
Well y'all, it's the hottest day of the year (or at least it feels like it) so, I'm going to get off here and take a cool shower to hopefully cool off some. It's too hot to do any gardening that we really needed to do tonight, so we'll put it off to Saturday instead. Love y'all! Hopefully I'll be able to update more often.


Anonymous said...

So glad to see you are still alive out there in Web land...they are Banty Chickens. Any excess green beans you don't want, send 'em my way

MotherT said...

And now Fair Week is upon us!!! Oh, so much fun we all manage to have when it is 90+ degrees outside!!!

Carolyn said...

Yay! Glad to read a new blog. =) Your garden sounds amazing. Mine, however, isn't doing so well this year. Dad blames it on the clay. We're going to do some major revamping next year....digging out all the old stuff and bring in REAL dirt/fertilizer,etc. The corn, strawberries and deff my tomatoes are doing well, but the peppers and squash/zuccini are pretty sad looking....or even non-existant at this point! lol *sigh* Oh well.

Seeing Olvin baptized was very cool. I love that LJ did it in Spanish. I, having taken 3+ years of FRENCH and Latin, of course couldn't understand him. =) But it was very cool, nonetheless. Yay!! So good to see them faithfully coming! =)

MotherT said...

OKAY!!! Where's the new nephew post???